Paper Name
Men and Miscarriage
Sperm DNA fragmentation is a novel biomarker for early pregnancy loss - Sperm DNA damage measured by the alkaline Comet has promise as a robust biomarker for sporadic and recurrent miscarriage
Men and Miscarriage
Reduced Testicular Steroidogenesis and Increased Semen Oxidative Stress in Male Partners as Novel Markers of Recurrent Miscarriage -
Men and Miscarriage
Fluorescence in situ hybridization detects increased sperm aneuploidy in men with recurrent pregnancy loss -
Men and Miscarriage
Sperm DNA fragmentation in Italian couples with recurrent pregnancy loss -
Men and Miscarriage
The effect of sperm DNA fragmentation on miscarriage rates: a systematic review and meta-analysis -
Men and Miscarriage
Sperm DNA fragmentation in miscarriage – a promising diagnostic, or a test too far? -
Men and Miscarriage
Sperm DNA fragmentation in Italian couples with recurrent pregnancy loss -
Men and Miscarriage
Sperm DNA fragmentation abnormalities in men from couples with a history of recurrent miscarriage -
Men and Miscarriage
ESHRE RPL Guideline 2017 -
Men and Miscarriage
Are sperm chromatin and DNA defects relevant in the clinic? -