Meet the Examen team: Eileen Regan

By Eileen Regan, Chief Commercial Officer, Examen


Eileen Regan - Examen

What aspect of your work inspires you the most?

My previous position was in a large corporate, but start-ups, scale-ups and SME’s all have challenges which test every ounce of your professional and personal commitment. The fertility market has grown exponentially as science has enabled new possibilities to emerge. Now is an extremely interesting and important time of change not only for us as a business, but also for couples experiencing infertility and the professionals trying to find a pathway to fertility success.

Understanding the science behind fertility issues and identifying possible causes of infertility, then providing the answers for couples who have been trying to have a baby for years, is what inspires all of us at Examen!

How did you end up working in the fertility world?

Having spent the majority of my career in start-ups, before leading Global Life Science sales for a multi-national company, I could see there was a huge opportunity to use my experience to bring Examen’s Exact tests to more fertility clinics and potentially help more men become dads! I didn’t set out to work in the fertility world but Examen is at a pivotal stage in its development. I have mapped out a clear strategy for expansion, which we are progressing as we speak. Being part of a healthcare company that can make such a significant difference to people’s lives was a important criteria for me when choosing a new role and I feel extremely proud to be part of Examen.

What are your highlights so far as COO of Examen?

Like every business, we’ve had to flex and adapt to new working practices throughout the pandemic. It is imperative in any situation to stay focused on the end goal so we’ve embraced digital technology like never before. So far, we have hosted two key networking activities to help support emerging leaders. Rather than relying solely on the major conference’s virtual platforms, we’ve chosen to strengthen our relationships with our immediate industry colleagues, customers and the business community, creating a platform for shared business and science knowledge, as well as inspiration.

In case you missed it, you can catch up on our International Women’s Day webinar and check out our new monthly webinar series. Our webinars are open to professionals and patients and we aim to tackle a range of male fertility issues so that we can help to dispel the myth that fertility issues are predominantly a female issue – this is simply not true!

What is the most important question you’ve been asked by fertility partners and customers in the last 6 months?

The question that comes up most often is ‘How can Exact tests help to explain the causes of infertility and miscarriage?’

Every Sperm DNA fragmentation report provides fertility professionals with a map which indicates a pathway towards the most appropriate steps for that individual’s fertility journey. Sometimes, depending on clinical history and other factors, there are measures that can be taken to improve the quality of sperm before diving straight into ART treatment. But where ART is most appropriate, then our reports can help to predict which treatment, ICSI or IVF, is more likely to result in success.

It’s complex – and Examen are committed to working with all of our fertility partners to share the knowledge we have gained with over 30 years of research in male fertility.

I am honoured to be part of this journey to help more men become dads and am looking forward to the challenges and triumphs the next 6 months (and beyond) will bring. You can register for our upcoming webinars to learn more about the role of sperm DNA damage in male fertility and drop me an email if you’d like to find out about our Exact tests or becoming a partner clinic.

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