Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) is recognised as an important marker of sperm health and high levels of SDF can significantly impact upon male fertility. Sperm DNA fragmentation can be the result of either single-strand DNA breaks (ssDB) or double-strand DNA breaks (dsDB), with dsDB in particular being an important factor in recurrent early pregnancy loss and ICSI failure1,2.
Our Extend test is the only test to exclusively identify dsDB fragmentation, assisting you and your clinician in making fully informed decisions regarding your fertility options.
Extend & ExtendFocus Test Results
The Extend test result shows 3 different indicators of DNA fragmentation compared against a fertile reference range:
An Average Double Stranded SDF score between 0% to 6% is within the fertile range, whereas a score greater than 6% is outside this range and has an increased risk of infertility.
The DNA Fragmentation Distribution histogram provides a more comprehensive view of the distribution of damage across your sample and the proportion of it that falls into the low, medium and high damage categories.
Double-strand DNA break (dsDB) damage is thought to occur largely as a result of errors during the process of sperm creation. However, there is some evidence to suggest lifestyle factors such as caffeine intake are associated with higher levels of dsDB damage in sperm3. Your fertility expert will also be able to discuss available solutions with you, such as sperm selection techniques, genetic testing of embryos, or where appropriate donor sperm.
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